They are actively motile, non-capsulated, Gram-negative bacilli measuring 1-3µm x 0.5 µm in size. Motility is not as easily observed at 35-37 °C at room temperature ( 20-28°C). Culture on blood agar shows a characteristics’ fishy or seminal odor’ with swarming growth as shown above picture.
MacConkey agar: Proteus produces individual non-lactose fermenting colonies after overnight incubation at 35-37°C and swarming is prevented due to bile salt present in the medium.
CLED agar: Blue-gray translucent colonies and absence of swarming are due to electrolyte deficiency.
XLD agar: Proteus produces individual non-lactose fermenting colonies after overnight incubation at 35-37°C and swarming is prevented due to bile salt present in the medium
The Proteus possess thermostable, somatic (O), and thermolabile flagellar (H) antigens upon which, several serotypes have been recognized. WeIl and Felix ( 1966) observed flagellated strains of Proteus grew on agar as a thin surface film (named Hauch) whereas non flagellated variant strains without surface film ( Ohne Hauch). They also noted that certain non-motile strains of Proteus vulgaris, called X strains were agglutinated by sera of typhus patients. The sharing of these polysaccharide antigens of Proteus with some rickettsiae forms the basis of the Weil-Felix reaction for the diagnosis of some rickettsial infections. Total three non-motile strains, among them two of Proteus vulgaris OX2, OX19, and one Proteus mirabilis OX K are applicable as the antigens for this test.
They can cause –
Specimens: It depends on the site of infection and common samples are urine, pus, and ear discharge. Midstream urine (MSU) in UTI whereas pus in pyogenic lesions.
Specimens collection: The sample should be collected in a sterile container under all aseptic conditions and transported to the laboratory immediately.
Gram stain: Gram-negative rods which are non-capsulated and non-sporing ( evidence).
Culture: Swarming effect over blood agar plate as a consequence of the organisms active motility and NLF colonies on Macconkey agar whereas Blue-gray translucent colonies on CLED agar with fishy or seminal odor.
Dienes phenomenon: When two different strains of Proteus species inoculate at different places of the same non-inhibitory medium (blood agar), swarming of the two strains remains separated by a narrow visible furrow. However, in the case of two identical strains of Proteus, swarming of two coalesce without signs of demarcation. Such a condition is called the Dienes phenomenon.
Hanging drop preparation: Actively motile rods observation
Biochemical Reactions
Catalase Test: Positive
Nitrate Test: Positive
Oxidase Test: Negative
Beta-galactosidase (ONPG) Test: Negative
Methyl red (MR) Test: The methyl red test is used to identify bacteria to produce pyruvic acid from glucose metabolism. Both Proteus vulgaris and mirabilis are methyl red test positive.
Voges–Proskauer (VP) Test: It is a test used to detect acetoin in bacterial broth culture. A red-brown color indicates a positive result, while a yellow-brown color indicates a negative result. Both P. vulgaris and P. mirabilis are VP negative.
Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Test: This test is used to determine the ability of bacteria to ferment sugars and to produce hydrogen sulfide ( H2S) and gas formation.
Proteus mirabilis: Red slope/yellow butt with H2S production i.e. black and presence of gas formation
Proteus vulagris: Red slope/yellow butt with H2S production i.e. black and gas formation -different strains give different results
SIM Test: This single panel test is useful for detecting H2S production, indole detection, and motility test.
Proteus mirabilis: H2S production, indole negative and motile
Proteus vulagris: H2S production, indole positive and motile
Citrate Utilization test: Ability of an organism to use citrate as the sole source of carbon and energy.
Proteus mirabilis: Generally positive but a minority of strains give a negative result.
Proteus vulagris: different strains give different results
Urea hydrolyzation test: Positive
Note: Rapidly hydrolyze urea i.e. within 4 hours which is an important early screening test in differentiating salmonellae and shigellae from Proteus.
Phenyl pyruvic acid (PPA) Test: Deamination of phenylalanine to PPA. Both are always positive.
IMViC Test: The indole test is used to determine the ability of bacteria to convert tryptophan into indole. P. mirabilis can be differentiated from P. vulgaris by the indole test in which P. mirabilis is negative whereas P. vulgaris positive.
Agglutination test: Strain may be agglutinated with polyvalent antisera to conform it.
API test: By inoculating microorganisms to a strip. After inoculation metabolic cause color change, to complete the identification of the strains either identified to the genus only or that have multiple genera consist of profile number.
Vitek system: It is a new automatic system for identification and susceptibility testing for most clinically important bacteria. It compromises: -A fitter/sealer: enable -inoculation of the card within a few minutes. An inoculator /leader – A computer and printer.
Antibiotic susceptibility test (AST): AST is important as Proteus bacilli are resistant to many of the common antibiotics.
#Proteus swarming growth on blood agar and its identification using various biochemical tests e.g. TSI test, MIU test, Citrate Utilization test as shown below-
#Proteus growth on blood agar and MacConkey agar-
#Proteus swarming growth covering other bacteria
#Swarm and vegetative cells of Proteus spp.
#Swarming growth of Proteus having swimmer and swarmer cells:
Swarming growth of Proteus having swimmer and swarmer cells can be determined using Gram’s staining-
i.e. swimmer cells- small-near the center of the growth plate
while swarmer cells- large-away the center of growth plate as shown just above the video.
# Dienes Phenomenon of typing of Proteus
#Motile bacteria under hanging drop Preparation as shown below-Testing motility of bacteria under hanging drop preparation is a recommended method.
Bacteria are motile due to having flagella.
The objective of this observation includes-
Active motile or true motility
Brownian Movement
Motile bacteria
and non-motile bacteria
Motile bacteria are-
Non-motile bacteria are
#CLED agar with a typical colony of bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus species as shown below-