Lab Assistant Post in Public Service Commission: Level, Examination Structure and Syllabus with Model Questions

Lab Assistant Post in Public Service Commission- Level, Examination Structure and Syllabus with Model Questions

Lab Assistant Post

Level of Lab Assistant Post: 4th ( Qualification: Medical Laboratory Assistant i.e. 15 months course after matriculation)

Examination Structure for Lab Assistant Post

The examination will complete in two phases.

Phase first: Written Examination

Phase second: Interview

The written examination will occur in form of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).

Syllabus for Lab Assistant Post

A. Microbiology

1. Bacteriology  ( Mark: 10)

1.1 General knowledge about Bacteriology
1.2 Morphology of Bacteria (size, shape)
1.3 Differentiation of bacteria (cocci, bacilli)
1.4 Sample collection (pus, urine, throat swab, sputum, blood)
1.5 Principle of Gram’s stain, microscopic identification of Gram +ve and Gram –ve bacteria.
1.6 Staining- Use of different dye and its principle, method of preparation.
1.7 Mycobacteria- M. tuberculosis/M. leprae, sample collection, staining, and recording result.
1.8 Preparation of sputum smear
1.9 Safety precaution and proper disposal of infected materials.
1.10 Culture media-General introduction to different types of culture media.
1.11 General introduction to sterilization- by dry heat, moist heat,
1.12 Cultural technique of blood, urine, sputum, throat swab.
1.13 Use of disinfectants-preparation of disinfectant solution.

2. Parasitology (20)

2.1 Introduction to parasitology,
2.2 Terms used in parasitology,
2.3 Classification of parasites
2.4 Helminthic parasites(Ascaris lumbricoides, Ancylostoma duodenale, Necatar Americans, Trichiuris trichiura, Strongyloides stercoralis, Enteribius
vermicularis,Taenia solium,Taenia saginata, Hymenolepis nana, life cycle, mode of transmission, laboratory diagnosis, prevention, and control measures.
2.5 Protozoal parasites(Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba coli, Balatidum coli, Trichomonas vaginalis, Trichomonas hominis) – life cycle, mode of transmission, laboratory diagnosis, prevention, and control measures.
2.6 Dysentery (amoebic and bacillary dysentery).
2.7 Difference between Entamoeba coli & Entamoeba histolytica
2.8 Laboratory procedure :
2.8.1 Collection of samples.
2.8.2 Preparation of reagents: normal saline solution, Iodine solution, 33% Zinc
sulfate solution.
2.8.3 Stool examination- routine and concentration method, interpretation of results.
2.8.4 Occult blood test.
2.8.5 Disposal of waste materials

B. Haematology (25)

  1.  Composition of the blood, plasma, serum, and whole blood.
  2. Collection of a blood sample – finger prick, vein puncture, ear lobe prick.
  3. Anticoagulants, types of anticoagulants, preparation of Anticoagulantvials.
  4. Use of instruments – Sahli’s haemoglobinometer, haemocytometers, diluting pipettes, Neubauer counting chamber, ESR tubes, the importance of bulk dilution, preparation of blood diluting fluid.
  5. Preparation of thin and thick blood smears.
  6. Total WBC, RBC, and platelet count.
  7. Sources of error in blood count.
  8. Differential WBC count.
  9. ESR estimation (Wintrobe and Westergren method).
  10.  Hemoglobin estimation, preparation of standard curve.
  11. Preparation of Drabkin’s Solution.
  12. Use of Sahli Haemoglobinometer
  13. Preparation of N/10 HCL.
  14. Performance of –BT, CT,
  15. Staining procedure – Preparation and use of Wright’s stain and its principle.
  16.  Blood parasites – Malaria, filaria,
  17. Perform blood grouping
  18. Sources of errors in the above hematological tests.
  19. Quality control in hematology.

C. Biochemistry( 20)

  1. Basic chemistry- matter, substance, atom, and molecules element, compound.
  2.  Solution- Preparation of normal solution
  3.  Cleaning of glass-wares
  4.  Instrument: Colorimeter, Centrifuge, Balance, Refrigerator
  5. Law of colorimetry-Beer’s and Lambert’s law
  6. Collection of specimens for biochemical tests
  7. Estimation of B.glucose preparation of std. curve interpretation of results, source of errors.
  8. Estimation of Blood Urea, interpretation of the result, source of errors.
  9. Preparation of reagents for Glucose, Urea,
  10. Estimation of S.amylase, and calculation of results.
  11. CSF – Glucose, Protein, Cell count, Gram’s stain, AFB stain.

D. Miscellaneous (25)

1. Urinalysis
1.1 Importance of urine analysis
1.2 Collection of specimen
1.3 Preservation of urine for routine & cultural purposes.
1.4 Examination of urinary deposit
1.5 Urine albumin test by heat and acetic acid, SSA method & strip.
1.6 Urinary glucose test by Benedict’s & strip methods.
1.7 Preparation of Benedict’s reagents.
2. Semen analysis
2.1 Volume
2.2 Motility
2.3 Sperm count

3. Instrumentation

3.1 Microscope- use of the microscope, parts of a microscope, handling of the microscope.
3.2 Use of incubators, hot air oven, water bath, refrigerator, chemical balance, Colorimeter.
3.3 Basic knowledge of glass-wares (test tube, flask, measuring cylinder).
4. Immunology
4.1 Perform VDRL and HIV tests.
4.2 Definition of precipitation, agglutination, flocculation.
5. Quality control in following tests
5.1 Gram’s stain, AFB microscopy
5.2 TC, DC, Hb, ESR
5.3 Blood sugar, Blood urea
6. Basic knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology
6.1 Digestive system – pancreatic amylase, ptyalin
6.2 Urinary system – kidney, bladder, ureter

Model Question for Lab Assistant Post

  1. Gram’s stain…
    A) Differentiates all cocci from bacilli
    B) Differentiates AFB from Non-AFB
    C) Differentiates all the bacteria into Gram Positive & Gram-negative ones.
    D) Bacteria from viruses.
  2.  AFB after Ziehl- Neelsen stain appears as …
    A) Yellow rod
    B) Red rod
    C) Violet rod
    D) All of above
  3. Entamoeba histolytica causes…
    A) Amoebic dysentery
    B) Bacillary dysentery
    C) Typhoid fever
    D) Malaria fever
  4.  Which of the condition is associated with Hook-worm infection …
    A) Polycythaemia
    B) Iron deficiency anemia
    C) Thalassemia
    D) All of above
  5. Total WBC Count means …
    A) Count of white blood cells in 2 µl of blood
    B) Count of white blood cells in 1 µl of blood
    C) Count of white blood cells in 1 cc of blood
    D) Count of white blood cells in 0.38 ml of blood
  6. A low level of hemoglobin in peripheral blood is called …
    A) Hypohaemoglobinaemia
    B) Polycythaemoglobinaemia
    C) Anaemia
    D) Leukaemia
  7. Wright’s stain is prepared in …
    A) Ethyl Alcohol
    B) Acetone free methyl alcohol
    C) Isopropyl alcohol
    D) Butyl alcohol
  8. The normal value for fasting sugar using the O-toluidine method is …
    A) 60-120 mg%
    B) 80-140 mg%
    C) 90-160 mg%
    D) 100-200 mg%
  9. Urea is increased in the blood in …diseases.
    A) Diabetes
    B) Renal failure
    C) Thyroid failure
    D) Pancreatitis
  10. VDRL is …
    A) Uncurable disease
    B) Protozoal disease

C) Sexually transmitted disease
D) Always Reactive in HIV positive patients
11.  Causative agent of HIV…
A) Haemophilus influenzae
B) Rabies virus
C) Human immunodeficiency virus
D) Toga virus
12. Which statement is true …
A) Only hot things like tea can be taken inside the laboratory
B) Anything can be eaten in the laboratory
C) Nothing can be eaten, drunk, or taken in the laboratory
D) Only drugs can be eaten in the laboratory

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