Staining of Mycobacterium leprae (Leprosy bacilli) by modified Ziehl-Neelsen (Cold staining) Method

ycobacterium leprae on Modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain

Cold staining for Mycobacterium lepare

Principle of Staining of Mycobacterium leprae

Mycobacterium leprae  (that cause leprosy) are extremely difficult to stain by ordinary methods because of the lipid-containing cell walls. They bind carbol -fuchsin tightly and resist destaining with strong decolorizing agents such as alcohol and strong acids. Acid-fast-negative bacteria readily lose the stain when treated with an acid-alcohol solution. The cold stain method is used for the detection of M. leprae and Nocardia asteroides (weakly acid-fast). Carbol- fuchsin as the primary stain and phenol as mordant. Following the counterstaining with methylene blue or malachite green the decolorized acid-fast negative organisms and other cells take blue color in contrast with the red colored acid-fast organisms.

Requirements for Staining of Mycobacterium leprae

  • Pencil
  • Glass slide
  • Bunsen burner/ Sprite lamp
  • Carbol fuchsin
  • 5%(W/V) Sulphuric acid
  • Methylene blue/Malachite green
  • Microscope
  • Cedarwood oil


  • Skin smears from visible lesions
  • Biopsy of the nodular lesions and thickened nerves, and lymph nodes
  • The puncture may be necessary in some cases.

Procedure for Staining of Mycobacterium leprae

  • Flood the fixed  smear with a working carbol-fuchsin stain. Wait for 12-15 minutes without heating.
  • Wash the smear with running tap water.
  • Decolorize with 5% sulphuric acid for one minute.
  • Counterstain with methylene blue for one minute.
  • Wash with water, drain and blot dry.
  • Observe the smear first under the low power (10X) objective, and then under the oil immersion (100X) objective.

    Result And Interpretation

    AFB: pink or red bacillus

    Background:  Blue ( note: according to counterstain used)

Grading of smear for Mycobacterium leprae

The grading of smear is based on the number of bacilli as follows:

1- 10 bacilli in 100 fields: 1+

1-10 bacilli in 10 fields: 2+

1-10 bacilli per field: 3+

10-100 bacilli per field: 4+

100-100 bacilli per field: 5+

more than 1000 bacilli, clumps, and globi in every field: 6+

From the above picture, the result of the grading smear is 6+ because of having following features-

More than bacilli

There is a presence of clumps.

There is also the presence of globi

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