Introduction of Mycobacterium leprae
Mycobacterium leprae is the causative agent of a chronic infectious disease called Leprosy. Gerhard Armauer Hansen (1841-1912), who first discovered M. leprae in 1873, and leprosy is also known as “Hansen’s disease”. This bacterium has not been cultured so far in vitro even being the first bacterium to be identified as causing disease in humans. It belongs to the family Mycobatcteriaceae.
Classification of Mycobacterium leprae
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Actinobacteria
Class: Actinobacteria
Order: Actinomycetales
Suborder: Corynebacterineae
Family: Mycobacteriaceae
Genus: Mycobacterium
Species: M. leprae
Morphology of Mycobacterium leprae
Mycobaterium leprae is weak acid-fast, straight or slightly curved, 1-8 µm in length and 0.2-0.5 µm in width. The bacilli are seen singly or in groups, intracellularly or lying free outside the cells. The bacilli are bound together by a lipid-like substance called glia, which is present on the cell wall. The group of bacilli lying together are known as globi mass as shown above picture.
Additional properties of Mycobacterium leprae
- Loss of acid fastness following pyridine extraction.
- Ability to grow slowly in the footpad of mice.
- Ability to oxidize 3,4 dihydroxyphenylalanine into pigmented product
- Ability to invade peripheral nerve
- Generation time: 12 days on average
- Could not be cultured so far in-vitro
Pathogenicity of Mycobacterium leprae
It causes leprosy and the mechanism of leprosy completes in various steps as shown below-
- Bacteria discharged from the nose
- Inhaled by susceptible person
- Taken up by alveolar marcophages
- Disseminated through blood
- Spread to nerve and skin
- Organism proliferates especially in Schwann cells
Classification of Leprosy
- Ridley-Jopling Classification
- WHO classification
The World Health Organization (WHO) system distinguishes “paucibacillary” and “multibacillary” based upon the proliferation of bacteria (“pauci-” refers to a low quantity.)
Ridley-Jopling Classification of Leprosy (1966)
- Indeterminate (I)
- Tuberculoid (TT)
- Borderline Tuberculoid (BT)
- Mid Borderline (BB)
- Borderline Lepromatous (BL)
- Lepromatous (LL)
- Most widely accepted
- Based on clinical, bacteriological, immunological, and histopathological parameters, which divide leprosy into five recognizable groups
- The various clinical manifestations are a result of variation in the host tissue response to lepra bacilli
- The polar forms of tuberculoid leprosy (TT) and lepromatous leprosy (LL) correlate with good and poor immune status
- Borderline forms (BB, BT, and BL) lie between these two poles and are immunologically unstable, tending to move towards one of the polar forms
WHO classification
- Indeterminate – I
- Tuberculoid – TT
- Borderline Tuberculoid – BT
- Mid borderline – BB
- Borderline Lepromatous – BL
- Lepromatous – LL
- All smear-positive cases
Suggestive signs of leprosy
- Skin Patch: one or many, dry and with decreased or loss of hair
- diffuse infiltration of the skin (red, thickened, shiny skin)
- Skin nodules
- Loss of sensation in the hands or feet
- Weakness or paralysis of muscles supplied by a peripheral nerve (claw hand, foot drop, lagophthalmos)
- Paraesthesia (tingling/burning sensation) in the face, hand, foot, or area of skin
3 Cardinal signs of Leprosy
- Anesthesia of skin: Hypo-pigmented or Erythematous Skin Patch with loss of sensation
- Enlargement of peripheral nerve
- Presence of M. leprae in affected skin or nasal mucus
Laboratory Diagnosis of Leprosy
Specimen: It depends on the form of leprosy suspected by the treating physician; the preferred specimens may be. 1. Slit Skin smears from the earlobes, elbows, and knees2. Skin biopsy from edges of active patches3. Nerve biopsy from thickened nerves
Microscopy: Staining of Slit Skin Smear (SSS)
Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) Method
Requirements for Staining
- Staining Rack
- Spirit lamp
- Stain droppers
- Stains:
- 1% carbol fuchsin (freshly prepared)
- 1% acid alcohol or 5% sulfuric acid
- 1% methylene blue
- Slide drying rack
- Specimens: Four common sites for slit skin smears are -Right ear-lobe, Left ear-lobe, edge of active lesion (if no skin lesion right arm), and the edge of active lesion (if no skin lesion right thigh)
Procedure of Staining
- Set staining rack over lab sink.
- Align the slides on the staining rack.
- Cover slides with 1% carbol fuchsin and heat gently for 15 minutes.
- Wash slides with tap water.
- Decolorize slides with 1% acid alcohol (HCl in 70 % Alcohol) for few seconds or 5% Sulphuric Acid solution for 10 seconds.
- Wash slides once more with tap water.
- Cover the slides with 1% methylene blue for 1 minute.
- Wash slides once more with tap water.
- Air dry slides on the drying rack.
Observation of Slit Skin Smear
- Scan under 10X objective of a microscope.
- Finally, observe under 100X objective (oil immersion).
- Read slide systematically in a zigzag fashion.
- Each smear is graded according to Ridley’s logarithmic scale as shown below.
Result Interpretaion of Slit Skin Smear
Grading: Ridley’s logarithmic scale
0 = Negative; no AFB in entire smear
1+ = 1-10 AFB in 100 microscopic field
2+ = 1-10 AFB in 10 microscopic field
3+ = 1-10 AFB in 1 average microscopic field
4+ = 10-100 AFB in 1 average field
5+ = 100-1000 AFB in on average field
6+ = >1000 AFB, AFB in 1 average field with clumps (globi)
Bacteriological Index (BI)
- An estimation of the number of bacilli in the smear; semi-quantitative method (Ridley 1958)
- BI is calculated by adding the index from the various sites and divided by the total number of sites examined
- Maximum BI- site is also indicated inpatient report
Morphological Index (MI)
- An estimation of solidly stained bacilli in a smear
- Count 200 AFB of all morphology and note only solidly stained bacilli among them
- Expressed in Percentage.
- When bacilli are <200, expressed infraction
- Characteristics of Solid bacilli:
- Uniformly stained organism
- Round ends
- Length is approximately 5 x width
- Parallel sides
- MI can be used to assess the effectiveness of the treatment.
- Fall of MI = sign of good response to treatment
- Rise of MI= onset of drug-resistant of treatment
Culture: It is not cultivable either in artificial culture media or in tissue culture and therefore mouse footpad cultivation is common. Mycobacterium leprae suspected specimen is inoculated into a footpad of mice and kept at 20°C for 6-9 months. The nine-banded armadillo is also a natural host and reservoir of the Mycobacterium leprae.
- Antibodies to M. leprae demonstration specific PGL-1 antigens
- Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
- Latex agglutination test
- The serology is a less effective diagnosis of the paucibacillary disease since serum antibodies are present in only 40–60% of such patients.
- Fluorescent leprosy antibody absorption test (FLA-ABS): It is widely applicable to identify subclinical cases that detect M. leprae specific antibodies irrespective of duration and stage of the disease.
Molecular tests:
- PCR is a highly sensitive assay than slit skin smear(microscopy) for Mycobacterium leprae detection.
- It uses to identify DNA that encodes 65 kDa and 18 kDa M. leprae proteins and repetitive sequences in clinical specimens.
Miscellaneous Test
Skin test ( Lepromin test): It does not help in the diagnosis of diseases. It may give false-positive results.
Intradermal injection of Lepromin antigen can elicit the following reaction
- Fernandez reaction ( after 48 hours)
- Like Mantoux test
- The patient might have infected with Leprosy bacillus some times in the past.
- It can not be taken to indicate concurrent disease activity.
- Mitsuda reaction ( after 3-4 weeks):
- Associated with tuberculoid types of leprosy and indicates some degree of immunity.
Lepromin test is employed for the following purpose:
- To classify the lesion of Leprosy patients. Lepramin test + ve in TT and -ve in LL type.
- To assess prognosis and response of treatment. A +ve reaction after treatment indicates a good prognosis and -ve is a bad prognosis.
Conversion to lepromin test positivity during treatment is ign of the good response of treatment.
- To assess the reaction to recruit the individuals to work with leprosy research. A negative one is susceptible.
Animal model is for leprosy research-
- Mice (Swiss Albino Mice, nude mice)
- Nine-banded armadillo
Applications of animal model
- Testing of drug sensitivity
- Assessing the value of new drug
- Preparation of lepromin
- Preparation of vaccine
BCG: Different place different results
Uganda – good result
Burma- Bad result
Research underway:
Preparation of-
- BCG + Killed purified M. leprae vaccine
- Recombinant DNA vaccine
Treatment of Leprosy
The objective of treatment for the following purposes-
- Early detection of the case
- Provide appropriate treatment
- Prevention of complications and disabilities
History of leprosy chemotherapy
- 1st medication with variable degree of response against Mycobacterium leprae: Chaulmogra oil
- Cochrane & Mair: Dapsone monotherapy in 1940
- Dapsone resistance recognized in the 1960 s
- Rifampicin & clofazimine added in 1970 s
- WHO recommended multidrug therapy (MDT) in 1982
Goals of MDT
- The effective killing of Mycobacterium leprae in the shortest possible period
- Prevention of the emergence of a resistant strain of M. leprae, in turn leading to the prevention of treatment failures and relapse
Advantages of MDT
- Shorten the length of treatment
- Reduce the problem of drug resistance
- Decrease incidence & severity of reactions
- Improve the patient compliance
Eligibility for MDT treatment
- All newly diagnosed cases of leprosy
- All those cases who did not complete treatment before (defaulters)
- All relapse cases
- Those cases who had taken monotherapy (Dapsone) treatment before
Anti-leprosy drugs are-
- Dapsone
- Rifampicin
- Clofazimine
- Moxifloxacin
- Ofloxacin
- Levofloxacin
- Minocycline
- Clarithromycin
MDT regimen for MB and PB leprosy is given below table.
- Duration for MB Leprosy: 12 months (12 doses in 18 months)
- Duration for PB Leprosy: 6 months (6 doses in 9 months)
Prevention of Leprosy
Following are the preventive steps in leprosy-
- Health education
- Vaccines (BCG has not sufficient protective effect in leprosy and thus new vaccine development is necessary.)
- Chemoprophylaxis
- Early diagnosis and treatment of leprosy may not only prevent deformities but also it will save a life.
- Surveillance of contacts is very useful attempt to decrease the leprosy rate.
- SSS has even been low sensitivity (10–50%, depending upon the expertise of laboratory workers), It is still the gold standard for all diagnostic techniques due to specificity of nearly 100%.
- Molecular test, PCR assay has been increasingly used as an alternative for its diagnosis due to its higher sensitivity.
- The sensitivity of the PCR is higher in the multibacillary patients due to have of a load of bacilli.
- The difference between in SSS and Fite Faraco methods are as follow-SSS detects AFB in smear taken from dermis and Fite Faraco method detects AFB in tissue obtained by skin biopsy taken from clinically suspected lesions.
- Four common sites for slit skin smears are -Right ear-lobeLeft ear-lobeEdge of active lesion (if no skin lesion right arm)Edge of the active lesion (if no skin lesion right thigh)
- Follow up: Smear is always performed from previous smear site
- If any new skin lesion also takes from the edge of the lesion.
- SSS smear interpretation-Bacilli are red dots against a blue background whereas viable bacilli are seen as uniformly stained bacilli or solid bacilli having length 4 times greater than the breadth. Bacilli sides are parallel and the ends may be rounded, straight, or pointed. The dead bacilli ( Mycobacterium leprae) stain irregularly and appear as granular or fragmented. The bacilli may be seen singly, in small groups, or closely packed bunches called globi (as shown above image). Irregular blue-stained structures scattered among the bacilli are the cells of various structures in the skin.
Further Reading