MIU stands for Motility Indole Urea. MIU test is useful for the identification of gram-negative bacilli especially bacteria of Enterobacteriaceae. Three tests in a single tube that helps to differentiate the organisms on the basis of motility, urease, and indole production.
The test organisms in MIU agar after incubation show either diffused growth or turbidity extending away from the stab inoculation line in the case of motile organisms while non-motile organisms appear as restricted growth along the stab-line. Organisms possess urease, hydrolyses urea, and release ammonia and carbon dioxide. Ammonia reacts in solution to form ammonium carbonate, which is alkaline leading to an increase in pH of the test medium. Phenol red present in the medium changes its color from yellow to pink-red in alkaline pH. Indole, skatole, and indole acetic acid are produced from tryptophan present in casein enzymic hydrolysate by the enzyme, tryptophanase. The indole formed reacts with p-dimethyl amino benzaldehyde present in Kovac’s reagent to form a quinoidal red-violet compound.
Composition of Motility Indole Urea agar for 100 ml distilled water
Ingredients amount
Casein enzymic hydrolysate : 1.0 gm
Dextrose : 0.1 gm
Sodium chloride : 0.5 gm
Phenol red: 10 mg
Agar: 0.2 gm
Final pH ( at 25°C): 6.8±0.2
Peptones of the medium provide carbon and nitrogen required for the growth of bacteria. Urea is responsible for a source of nitrogen for those organisms that possess the enzyme, urease. Casein enzymic hydrolysate provides amino acids and other nitrogenous substances. Sodium chloride maintains osmotic equilibrium. Dextrose is a fermentable carbohydrate. Phenol red is the pH indicator that turns pink-red in alkaline conditions. Urease is indicated by a color change of the pH indicator, Phenol Red, from yellow-orange, (pH 6.8) to red-pink, (pH 8.4). The low agar concentration i.e. 0.2% is useful for the demonstration of motility of bacteria. The indole production from Casein enzymic hydrolysate by the tryptophanase present in test organisms is achieved upon the addition of aldehyde present in Kovac’ reagent; shown by the appearance of a pink-red color ring in the tube.
Observe the tube for growth, motility, and color change of the medium. Only check indole formation taking a reading of motility and urease reaction. Urease test positive– A color change from yellow-orange to pink-red. No color change indicates a negative reaction. Motility test – A positive reaction is shown by clouding of the medium or by growth extension from the inoculating line. A negative reaction is seen when the growth is restricted to the inoculating line. Indole test positive– Record as Indole Positive Reaction if a pink-red color ring appears in a test tube upon addition of Kovac’s reagent and as Indole Negative if there is no color.
Motility test positive: a diffuse zone of growth flaring from the line of inoculation
Motility test Negative: restricted growth along the stab line
Indole test positive: a pink to red color ring is formed at the top of the medium after the addition of Kovac’s reagent
Indole test negative: A yellow color denotes a negative indole test after the addition of Kovac’s reagent
Urease test positive: A color change from yellow-orange to pink-red
Urease test negative: No color change indicates a negative reaction
Escherichia coli ATCC 25922
Motility test: Positive, Indole test: positive, and Urease test: negative
Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 13883
Motility test: Negative, Indole test: negative, and Urease test: weakly positive
Proteus mirabilis ATCC 25933
Motility test: positive, Indole test: negative, and Urease test: positive