Giemsa stain comes under a type of Romanowsky stain. The name of this stain has come from the surname of a German chemist Gustav Giemsa, who created a dye solution. It was initially designed for the detection of malarial parasites in blood smears, but it is also used in histology for routine examination of blood smears. This technique uses for the demonstration of other than malarial parasites, microorganisms like Helicobacter pylori,
Chlamydia trachomatis, Borrelia species, Histoplasma capsulatum, Pneumocystis jiroveci, Penicillium marneffei and occasionally bacterial capsules and parasites like Toxoplasma gondii, Leishmiania donovani , Giardia lamblia, etc. It is also applied to differentiate nuclear and cytoplasmic morphology of the various blood cells like RBCs, WBCs, and platelets.
In cytogenetics, it stains the chromosomes and identifies chromosomal aberrations.
a) Preparation of Giemsa stain
Giemsa powder is mixed in 54 ml of glycerin and pre-heated up to 60°C.
Then add methanol, shake the mixture and allow to stand for 7 days.
Filter before use.
b) Buffer solution (stock)
Dissolve both powders in distilled water.
50 ml of potassium dihydrogen phosphate is mixed with 23.6 ml of sodium hydroxide.
The pH of the solution is adjusted to 6.8.
Working Giemsa Stain Solutions
Should be prepared fresh then use.
Buffer solution
Giemsa contains Methylene blue(AzureII)/Eosin. Methylene blue on oxidation produces colored compounds termed ‘Azure’ that have the ability to combine with Eosin. Methylene blue azure is blue-violet and stains acidic cell components while eosin is red and stains basic cell components.
For bone marrow imprints and smears
Smears are fixed in methanol for 30 minutes.
Smears are stained in working Giemsa solution for 20 minutes
Wash under running tap water for 5 minutes.
Air dry smears, clear in xylene and mount in D.P.X.
For Paraffin Section
De-paraffinize and hydrated sections to tap water.
Flood slide with Giemsa stain for 15-20 minutes.
Wash in tap water.
Differentiate 0.2% acetic acid 1 dip.
Wash in running tap water.
Dehydrate, clear and mount with D.P.X
Nuclei: Blue
Cytoplasm: Pink
H. pylori and L.D bodies: Blue
Mast cell: Magenta pink
Tissue elements: Shades of blue to pink
Collagen, Muscle, and Bone : Pale pink
Erythrocytes: Salmon pink
Malaria parasite: Malaria parasites have a red or pink nucleus and blue cytoplasm
Borrelia spirochetes: Mauve-purple
Chlymadia trachomatis inclusion bodies: Blue-mauve to dark purple depending on the stage of development