Ascaris lumricoides common name is roundworm of humans, growing to a length of up to 35 cm and it is the most common parasitic worm in humans. This organism causes disease ascariasis, a type of helminthiasis and one of the groups of neglected tropical diseases. An estimated one-sixth of the human population is infected by A. lumbricoideand and it is prevalent worldwide, especially in tropical and subtropical countries.
Scientific classification of Ascaris lumbricoides
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Nematoda
Class: Chromadorea
Order: Ascaridida
Family: Ascarididae
Genus: Ascaris
Species: A. lumbricoides
Binomial name Ascaris lumbricoides
Geographical distribution
Cosmopolitan (especially in the tropics, such as China, India, and South-East Asia. Present in about 25% human population.
The lumen of the small intestine (jejunum) and maintains its position by its muscle tone
Adult worm
Largest intestinal nematode
Light brown or pink in color – fresh,but gradually changes to white
Round and tapered at both ends,anterior end being thinner than posterior
Fertilized Eggs
Infective stage: embryonated egg
Fertilized egg-containing unsegmented ovum are passed with the feces
Rhabditiform larva is developed from unsegmented ovum within the egg shell within 10-40 days depending on atmospherical temperature and humidity
The larva undergoes molting (1st molting in soil, called embryonated egg)
Embryonated egg when ingested with food passes down to the duodenum where the digestive juices (trypsin) weakens the eggshell and stimulates the enclosed larva. Eggshell splits and larva are liberated in the upper part of the small intestine. The newly hatched larva burrows through the mucus membrane of the small intestine and is carried to the portal circulation to the liver. They live in the liver for 3-4 days and pass out of the liver to the right side of the heart to the pulmonary circulation. In the lungs, they grow bigger and molt twice (2nd,3rd). Breaking through the capillary wall they reach the lung alveoli (about 10-15 days). Larva crawl up bronchi and trachea and with the help of ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, they are propelled into the larynx and pharynx and are once more swallowed. Larva pass down the esophagus to the stomach and localized in the upper part of the intestine
4 the molting occurs between 25-29 days of infection (in the small intestine).
The larva grows and sexually matures in 6-10 weeks. The gravid female discharge within 2 months after the time of infection and the cycle repeats.
Egg-laying capacity – 2,00,000/day
Total number of moultings is four and they are-
Ingestion of foods contaminated with embryonated egg
Inhalation of desiccated egg in the dust reaching the pharynx and swallowed
Infestation of Ascaris lumbricoides in man is known as ascariasis
Symptoms due to migrating larva:
Ascaris pneumonia (Loeffler’s syndrome) with symptoms of fever, cough, and dyspnea.
Larva in general circulation filtrate out to various organs where they may cause unusual clinical symptoms of the brain, spinal cord, heart, and kidney
Symptoms due to adult worm:
Incubation period 60-75 days, symptoms are manifested at this period
mostly related to the GI tract.
Finding of eggs
In stool:
direct microscopic examination of a saline emulsion of the stool
Concentration methods may be used.
The fertilized egg floats in salt solution
Unfertilized eggs do not float
In the bile: microscopic examination
Indirect evidence
Blood examination:
Eosinophilia at the early stage of invasion but if present in the intestinal phase suggest strongyloidiasis or toxocariasis
Dermal reaction (allergic):
scratch test-variable result
Traditional allergy tests utilize the Skin Prick method (also known as a Puncture or Scratch test) to determine whether an allergic reaction will occur by inserting possible triggers into your skin using a needle prick. If you are allergic to the substance, you are forced to suffer through your body’s reaction to the allergen.
Serological tests
The epidemiological study, also useful in the diagnosis of extra-intestinal ascariasis (Loeffler’s syndrome). Larva may be found in the sputum during the stage of migration.