Urine Culture: Introduction, Importance, Sample Collection, Test Procedure and Result Interpretation
Introduction of urine culture and sensitivity
A urine culture test is useful to grow and identify organisms, mainly bacteria, and fungi that may cause a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Bladder urine is normally sterile and free from any organisms. UTIs are common in females and children than in adult males. The antibiotic sensitivity test (AST) helps to select an appropriate antibiotic that is effective against specific types of bacteria or fungi causing any infection.
When need Urine Culture and sensitivity Test?
Following conditions that are useful for culture and sensitivity are-
when you’ve experienced pain during urinating, less urine, and also frequent urine symptoms.
When this is prolonged for some time ( 3-4 days) and if the symptoms do not subside, the doctor would then suggest a Urine Culture and Sensitivity test to determine if there is an infection and to what extent.
In many cases, if the urine infection levels have increased, the person may also experience high fever and sudden chills in the body. This may go up to 5-6 days as well, if not detected and cured on time.
Urine culture and sensitivity are used to diagnose, and screen for diseases or medical conditions related to urinary tract infection for persons experiencing symptoms such as frequent and painful urination.
General symptoms of UTIs
Painful or difficult urination with a burning sensation
Increased urination frequency
Urine that smells bad or appears cloudy or reddish
Pain and pressure in the lower abdomen (belly) and back
Feeling Chills
Unexpected fever
Why does the urine culture report take 3 days?
No all reports take 3 days. Only positive i.e. growth of organism takes 3 days due to following reasons-
On the first day inoculation of urine on culture media and then incubated for 24 hours.
If the growth of organisms, on the second day perform biochemical tests as well as AST.
On 3 days, report for isolation of bacteria/organism and AST pattern.
Urine collection for culture
Collect Mid-Stream Urine (MSU). Clean the genitals before collection, following these steps to get the sample:
Initial or the first few drops of the urine should be discarded in the toilet.
MSU samples should be collected in the sterile container provided.
The end of the urine should not be collected. Cap the container.
If delay in test processing, keep it in the refrigerator or a cool place during the collection period.
Test procedure of Urine culture and sensitivity
On the first day
Culture urine Specimens
Blood agar Incubate aerobically MacConkey agar Incubate aerobically
Or alternate of these two, you can use CLED agar
Day 2 and Onwards
Examine and Report Cultures of Urine Specimens Blood agar and MacConkey agar cultures Look particularly for:
Antimicrobial sensitivity pattern also depends on the nature of organism involvement
On 3rd day
Organism isolated
Antimicrobial sensitivity pattern
Sensitive (S)
Resistant (R)
Intermediate (I)
Result and interpretation
No growth after 24 hours of incubation at 37°C.
or > 105 CFU/ml of organism (E. coli) isolated
AST pattern
Antibiotic – Sensitive
Antibiotic- Intermediate
Reference Range
>100,000 colonies/ml : Positive
10,000-100,000 colonies/ml: Indeterminate
<10,000 colonies/ml: Negative
Positive means that there is a certain amount of bacteria or organisms that have been found in the Urine Sample and that the infection is certainly because of these bacteria. The Culture report not only detects the various types of germs present but also shows its sensitivity to various Antibiotics. This means you can gauge from this report itself that which antibiotics would provide maximum benefit.
Possible pathogens of urine
Bacteria Gram-positive
Staphylococcus saprophyticus
Enterococcus species
Escherichia coli
Proteus species
Klebsiella species
Pseudonomas aeruginosa
Providentia Citrobacter Serratia
Fungi Candida albicans Parasites
Trichomonas vaginalis (trophozoite)
Enterobius vermicularis (Ova)
Schistosoma hematobium (ovum)
Commensals Any commensal organisms found in urine are usually those that have contaminated the specimen from the urethra and they are- Micrococci Diphtheroids Candida species
Mycoplasma species
Mycobacterium smegmatis
Acinetobacter species
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