Spot test in Parasitology: Common Parasites and Their Images with Salient Features
Introduction of Spot test in Parasitology
‘Spot test in Parasitology’ is a common spot test in both bachelors as well as master degree programs i.e. B.Sc. MLT/ BMLT or MBBS or M.Sc. MLT/ M.Sc. Clinical/ Medical Microbiology, etc. This collection of spots makes your examination easy.
Main features
Bile stained
Scientific name for roundworm is Ascaris lumbricoides.
Route of infection by ingestion
Infective form: embryonated egg
Salient Features
The egg is not bile-stained.
Scientific names for hookworm are Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus
Infective agent: Filariform larva
Portal of entry: Through the skin.
Salient features
The egg is not bile stained
Planoconvex in shape.
Common names: Threadworm, pinworm, seat worm
Clinical features: Pruritus ani (anal itch)
Main features
The egg is not bile stained.
It contains an oncosphere with three pairs of hooklets.
Route of infection: By ingestion of food contaminated with eggs.
Principal features
The egg is bile stained
Barrel-shaped with a mucous plug at each pole.
Route of infection: By ingestion of embryonated eggs.
Salient features
The cyst is quadrinucleate i.e contains four nuclei.
It has a central karyosome present in the nucleus.
Route of infection: By ingestion of water and food containing cysts.